Friday, April 29, 2011

more tears stream down my bloody face..

kae chan says:  hahaha..seronoknya main hujan! lagi lagi bila muka dah gile basah,and people thought it was da rains fault..itu la yang best tuh.. people could never tell whether its the raindrops..or...true tears... :')
hmm..the clouds seems so carefree today,pouring all the tears kept firmly inside it..:)
kalau la aku boleh buat camtu..let it all go,and then rasa lega ya amat..god,i want to do that..gushed it all out..infront of everyone..just to let them know that im being myself,im gushing it all out so that i could breathe easily again..and i want someone to hug me and just whisper in my ears:  'i know ure not okay,'  haaa..payah la kan..kalau aku burst,memang terzip la mulot people people tu and terpaku lah mereka di situ sambil terkesima tgk aku burst..just like an active volcano,waiting to explode anytime..haha..okey,maybe tak perlu..tak perlu susahkan hati orang..yeah..i think its just enough to just mencangkung kat tepi kolam ikan depan rumah aku tu time hujan lebat,and mase tu la burst..easy rite?  takde siape boleh bezakan atau pelik sebab memang time hujan..dah tentu2 muka basah en..senang hidop kalau time aku na explode je hujan..huiyyoo..lagi power..haha,

but just now,cuaca seems to realize my sorrow..banyak mende yang aku fikirkan..yg sebnanya tayah aku pikir pon aku pikir jugak..memang saje je kaw ni kan wun,hmm..sukatiko la weyhhh..

so,arigatou to miss nitemare,you helped me a lot..luv ya kay! >.<
and speaking about love, untong laa kann tadi jumpe BM...rugi je ta dapat ikot..cehh..and for the third time,untong la kann..esok die nak berfoye-foye ngan familynye di sane nun..aku pon tataw la katne..haha..alaa,atleast aku taw la ko nak gi foye2 kan..kan..tehehe..weyh,ko pelok die sket..haha..tayah cakap pape kat die, ko pelok je..kuikuikui..okeyokey,dah mula dah crapping..koishii gile vaveng kott..alaa org nak anime die gi joli sakan ngan adek die..haa..bagusla..adek bradek hentai..hahaha..but seyez,korang memang ''merembes'' ???  bwahahaha..tayah nak macam tu sgt la kan belle  XD

so..pendek kate:
onii-san! hayaku hayaku!!! >.<  da x saba na tgk anime baru ni...*sigh* ade double meaning ke? or..ade motif laen? entah la..yg aku taw janji pendrive-pendrive aku ni penuh ngan anime..haha

so...I guess to some extent you get used to being alone. You get used to not expecting phone calls and having nothing to do at night. You don't expect to fidget when you open ur fb acc. Your thoughts echo through your head, with no one to share them with. All in all, being alone isn't terrible, it just hurts like hell. hahaha.. cehh..gile fake la kaw punye gelak en.. =3='''

hmm..''wa chende chende shi huan ni,ni shi huan wa ma? wei sema? wei sema ni pu shi huan wa? wei sema ni shi huan wa? wa hen ley..yaw khu...haw ma?''
okey..korang akan rase,ape jadah la dah jepun ke bm,dah bm ke litetrature,dah lit ke mandarin pulak dahh..fenin fenin,aku yg empunya crap route pon agak pelik ngan tindak tanduk jari aku ni..haishh..itula orang kata,otak pikir laen,hati rasa laen,jari taip laen..bala,bala..
tapi..biala ape nak cakap..aku tibai je..atleast lega la sket..

maybe sudah sudah dulu craps untuk harini..sore jaaaa!

nak main ujan same2? jom!!!



Balqis Zakaria said...

hahahaha :D
Seriusly wun, u have to STOP that.
aku ganyang kau nanti.