Saturday, April 30, 2011

onegai haato wo kudasai

kae chan says:   Jaa neko mimi ga aru?


                        Dakara kono mimi ga..

Short dream-list..yup,i know this is soo darn lame,but yeah,i have a dream keeps pilling up as time goes by..i wonder why,tehehe.. and..these are the things that i really wanted to do with ‘em..or maybe..its just a stupid dream..angan2 semata mata..for some people,these might sound weird or bak kata ‘mereka’,angan angan ciput je nii..tak gempak,asal ko tak berangan dye bawak gi candelite dinner kat ‘’windmill’’ ke..bawak jalan jalan kat ‘’pavillion’’ ker..haha..ntah..aku pon ta taw nape mende-mende yang aku teringin ni cam bese2 and ta special..tapi weyh,kalau dreamlist aku ni tercapai,korang takkan taw betape hepi nye idop aku..simple as that..its the small things that makes the situation turns special..

# eat meggi cup with ‘em at the bustop..

# eat ice cream and have a nice chat with ‘em..

# drink milo while watching animes with ‘em all day long..

# walk for miles just to stay beside ‘em..

# spent all day long sitting beside ‘em while he play games..

# play guitar with ‘em..

# cakap ‘’okairi’’ (slamat pulang) to ‘em bile die jerit ‘’tadaimaa’’..

sore jaaa~~